Because The Blue Business Plus Credit Card from American Express is a credit card and not a charge card, it doesn't have to be paid off every month, which offers small businesses the flexibility to finance larger purchases over time. In the process, the cardholder will earn 2X Membership Rewards® points on all purchases (up to $50,000), not just purchases made in select categories. That means you won't have to track your spending categories or choose between brands.
With its Expanding Buying Power, you can spend a certain amount over your business credit limit every billing period. Additionally, because the card offers a 0% introductory APR, you could use it to finance a large business purchase and pay off the balance within 15 months, before the regular APR kicks in.
Unlike some “business” cards, the activity on this card is reported to the Small Business Finance Exchange, the most commonly used business credit reporting bureau. Therefore, using this card responsibly will help your business to build its credit.
Cardholders also get all the standard benefits that come with every Amex Business Card, including:
Ease of Reward Redemption
Customer Service
Perks & Features
This table shows approximate credit score category ratings based on FICO® Score 8 and should only be used as a general guide.